How to create Gamified Tools

Workshop Outline

I was just asked to design a Workshop for the upcoming Gamification Europe Master Class.

Here are the details of the workshop I will be teaching 🙂

Part 1 (30 minutes)

#Gamification Basics: Getting a sense of direction

  • Motivation
  • RAMP
  • Flow State
  • Game Anatomy

Part 2 (45 minutes)

Foundation: Making sure you have a clear idea of what must be done

  • The Point: What is the problem to solve?
  • The Players: Who is playing and how do they play?
  • The Goal: When do you know the players have achieved the point?

Part 3 (45 minutes)

Dynamics, Mechanics and Aesethics

  • Using the Game Master Framework to setup The Foundation of the tool
  • Learning how to test your system is really working

Part 4 (4~5 hours of practical working)

Making it happen, Developing your first tool

  • Step by step guide to develop a gamified system with evaluation and feedback
  • Deliverable: Wireframe and Instruction booklet of tool.

Part 5 (1 hour)

Breaking the system

  • Evaluation, redirection, misinterpretation and iteration.


Bernardo Letayf

Bernardo Letayf

M.B.O. (Mind Behind the Operation)

6th position in the Gamification Gurus Power 100!

Gamification Keynote Speaker & the mind behind the operation @bluerabbit, a gamification platform for education.

Developed three frameworks to teach/learn how to create gamification systems and build gamified content

Declared a world wide war on grades.

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